Preserving Christian Publications

Immortality of the Soul / Magnitude of the Soul / On Music / The Advantage of Believing / On Faith in Things Unseen (Used)

Immortality of the Soul / Magnitude of the Soul / On Music / The Advantage of Believing / On Faith in Things Unseen (Used)

Regular price $24.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 USD
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Used Book Details

Description: [in these 5 treatises he treats of secular & religious subjects, perennial subjects about which every age of man seeks answers] [Writings of St Augustine v.2]

Condition: Good

Author: Augustine, St [354-430]

Editor: / Fathers of the Church Series, #4 / Ludwig Schopp et al., trs.

Publication Year, Page Count, & Other Details: 1947 489p

Warehouse Location: BQ 5676 Im


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