Our Lady of Good Success and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: The Prophesied Prelate of Our Times
Our Lady of Good Success and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: The Prophesied Prelate of Our Times
In a series of apparitions to Mother Marianna (a cloistered nun in Quito, Ecuador), Our Lady predicted the misfortunes that would befall the Church in the 20th century. She exhorted Mother Marianna to pray and sacrifice so that the Celestial Father would send to His Church a prelate to restore the spirit of the priesthood. This prediction occurred on February 2, 1634. The author makes a very compelling case that Archbp. Marcel Lefebvre is the prelate foretold by Our Lady who would restore and preserve the priesthood and the Mass. Indeed, he would do this in the aftermath of the Conciliar Revolution that would bring about a crisis within Holy Mother the Church in the 20th century. Product # 5513
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