Douay-Rheims Bible Catholic Translation [Hard Cover]
Douay-Rheims Bible Catholic Translation [Hard Cover]
Year Published and Pages:
The black color edition is back! Sewn hardbound, imitation leather (Skivertex), durable end sheets (Permalex), Bible paper. Available in black and red. This listing is for the black-cover edition. Since 1609 the Douay-Rheims Bible had been the longest standard Catholic text used in public readings as well as for private reflection. Our reprinted edition is the classic John Murphy Co - P. J. Kenedy and Sons 1914 edition which is based off the 1899 Douay-Rheims text. Our new reprint is affordable and not too elaborate, yet durable so that it can be used regularly, or purchased as gifts without being too expensive. We incorporated durable end sheets to provide the Bible with a long life without the cover separating from the pages. We used Bible paper to make the book less bulky and more compact. We are offering this Bible in two black (product # B081XKG6QR) and red (product 9781734377514). Both editions have an attractive cover with a golden border surrounding the Cross.